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Corlough N.S

Keys & Monaghan, Irvinestown, Co Fermanagh
Contact: Alaistair Keys Tel: 048-686-28088
M&E Consultants : Semple McKillop, Castleblaney, Co Monaghan
Consulting Engineers : WS Atkins Ltd, 71 Old Channel Road
Quantity Surveyors : Stewart Quantity Surveyors, Dungannon, Co Tyrone

Construction of new three classroom national school on a green field site.

In addition to the 3 classrooms, works included a general purpose room and ancillary facilities, library fit out and servery, together with all site works including extensive car parking for staff and drop off , set down areas for public transport to the school, new access road off main thoroughfare, boundary walls, railings and gates, installation of new sewerage treatment plant, public lighting, kerbing & paving and provision of extensive yards to school in various surface types including macadam, concrete and soft play finish.

This project included the following elements :

- Kingspan Kingzip roofing
- Special education needs rooms
- General purpose room with timber flooring
- Aluminium wndows and doors
- Extensive carparking and set down areas for buses
- Playgrounds including soft play area
- Connection of all site services including water, sewer and surface water, and electricity, public lighting and telecom services
- Retaining wall to rear of school
- Standard department of education specification
- Completed under public works contract

Project Gallery

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