Sammon Builders are one of the north west’s best known building contractors in the residential development area, and have been proudly providing top quality homes in the area with their own in-house developments, and local authority housing projects for Leitrim, Roscommon, Longford, Cavan, Sligo and Monaghan County Councils, and housing bodies such as Saint Vincent De Paul, Sligo Social Services and the Brothers of Charity. Social Housing has been a huge part of our business over the past twenty five years and we are proud to have been the company that built so many homes for housing providers around the country.
nZEB in Ireland – nZEB stands for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings, and it was introduced into the 2010 revised version of the EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive), which describes it is as a building with a very good energy performance, with a significant proportion of that energy achieved from on-site, or closely sourced renewable energies. All public buildings built after 31st December 2018 need to be built to nZEB standard, and all buildings built after 31st December 2020 must meet this standard. NZEB has now become an integral part of house construction in Ireland and we are currently working on an NZEB housing for Sligo County Council, which is a 10 house state of the art social housing project due for completion in November 2021. Sammon Builders supervisors, staff and subcontractors have completed recognised training by the Irish Green Building Council (of which we are members) and WWETB to ensure our staff are skilled to provide the require energy efficiency results on our projects.

Cranmore Regeneration Phase 2 - 134 House Retrofit project
Main Contractor and PSCS on Phase 2 of the Renegeration of Cranmore Housing Estate in Sligo Town, which is the largest social housing estate in the West of Ireland. This project included works to 134 houses to bring them up to modern energy efficient housing stock and also included external works in the area including new footpaths, green areas, fencing, railings and gates, paving, bollards, traffic calming, street furniture and public lighting.